1. Title of training program
+ Vietnamese name: Kỹ thuật phần mềm – KNU
+ English name: Software Engineering – KNU
2. Training program code: 7480103
3. Type of training: Full time
4. Diploma Name:
– After gradudating, students will be conferred two bachelor degrees:
+ Bachelor in Computer Science and Engineering by KNU
+ Bachelor in Software Engineering by ICTU.
– If a student does not proceed to the fourth year at KNU, they continue studying at ICTU and receive a degree from ICTU.
5. Curriculum structure and learning progression
This program integrates the Software Engineering program at ICTU with the Computer Science and Engineering program at KNU. It consists of 47 courses, totaling 140 credits (including graduation courses), divided into two phases:
– Phase 1: Students study the first three years (06 semesters) at ICTU. The language of instruction is primarily English, except for specific courses with Vietnamese language support. The curriculum includes 37 courses, totaling 108 credits (31 compulsory courses amounting to 90 credits; 6 elective courses amounting to 18 credits).
– Phase 2: Students study the final year (02 semesters) at KNU, Korea. The language of instruction is English. The curriculum comprises of 10 courses, totaling 32 credits (including graduation courses). Students need to pass the TOEIC exam with a minimum score of 700 to study at KNU.